

Men and women





For my children
I love you

Be good and you will be happy

That doesn't mean you'll be happy all the time. Sadness and anger are part of life. However, if you are good you will be at peace with yourself, you'll be happy with yourself for being good. Nature favors the good. "Sin is folly" and harmful to self even when it isn't immediately apparent. Karma is always in effect, actions always have consequences. You will still struggle and suffer from other peoples' mistakes, disorder, and your own (nobody's perfect). Nature isn't simple either, cause and effect can take multiple lifetimes to fully manifest. Even when things don't all make sense to you, natural order still prevails and nature favors the good. A wicked man, no matter how much money or power he has, will not live in peace. He will not be at peace with himself, he will not be at peace with God, Who sees through all eyes [namaste], including his own.

Benevolence and Tranquility: Be calm and kind and, by the law of reciprocation, you will generally receive peace and good will.

Devotion: A man's purpose in life is to protect, provide for, and govern his family, and possibly his community. A woman's purpose is to care for her family, especially her children. Marry young! Marry a virgin. Premarital promiscuity significantly increases the likelihood of a failed marriage. Do not forsake those who depend on you. Do not forsake those who love you. Especially do not forsake your family; especially do not forsake your children. Do not commit adultery. It ruins families. Love is like fire - good and necessary, but if you're not careful it can destroy your home. "Belladonna" is the word for "beautiful woman" in Italian, and also a very poisonous flower - beware!

Patience and Perseverance: Struggle and suffering are part of the process and can take a while. There will be ongoing challenges that must be overcome. Be patient, don't give up. "This too shall pass". Life cycles. "For it is a question not of man's doing but of time conditions, which, according to the laws of heaven, show an alternation of increase and decrease, fullness and emptiness. It is impossible to counteract these conditions of the time." "If you're going through hell, keep going!" "No pressure, no diamonds."

Courage: Be strong of body, spirit, and mind. "Courage" has the same latin root as "heart". Treat your heart right. Be kind - it's good for your heart. Eat healthy (wild meat/fish and organic produce), drink clean water, and breathe fresh air. Tell the truth ("for lying is cowardice - the fear of facing up to the situation."). When the time comes to act, don't hesitate. "Who dares, wins."

Justice: Do the right thing even when it's hard, even when others don't. Popularity is no defense against karma. Reject wickedness and perversion - "only faulting faults is faultless."

Wisdom: Study ancient holy texts - they've been preserved by many successive generations for good reason. However, none of them alone are entirely correct - "tao called tao is not tao." There is value here and there. Natural entheogens [literally "creating God within"] - eg. cannabis, salvia divinorum, and psilocybin - can provide insight - just don't go too far and get lost. The purpose is to gain awareness to better live in the real [sober] world, not to escape it. Experience in general is a great teacher. Trust your intuition. Humans communicate and receive consciously and 'unconsciously'.

Temperance: Your health, mind, and general well-being require it. Avoid too much sweetness and too much alcohol. Alcohol is not just destructive physically but also interpersonally. Reject long-term addiction, including caffeine. Healthy people don't need crutches. Be free. Control your temper. "A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger."

Prudence: Avoid gambling - it will waste your money - lots of tricks and tricksters involved. Don't think you'll know better. Desperate people do desperate things, best to avoid them when you can. Conserve - "waste not, want not." Avoid unnecessary risks/danger. "Better safe than sorry."

Generosity: Giving is good for your soul. Do not steal. It creates resentment against you (cheating is also a form of theft). Many fine items attract thieves, creating worry and trouble for you. "When you've got nothing, you've got nothing to lose." Live simply.

Preparation and Prevention: Don't wait until winter to store food and firewood. "Look before you leap." "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure."

Protect life: The value of innocent human life is the basis of all personal/social morality. Do not kill or harm without good reason - including animals.

Mutuality: Unity of family and tribe is healthy and protective. Our closest relationships are the source of our greatest joy in life. Don't be too selfish or you'll lose more than you gain. Sometimes people go their own way, especially as they grow up. Children become adults and start their own families. Still, cherish one another and help each other. Mutuality is true for strangers and foreigners too, within reason. We all share the same life.

Diligence: Success generally does not come easy. Organize, optimize, and work!

Discipline: "Practice makes perfect." Train - aim, aim, aim - throwing, shooting, etc. Maintain cleanliness and order. Teach children with love and strictness. They won't learn by words alone. If pain associates with wrongdoing, and healthy humans avoid pain, then once the association between pain and wrongdoing is established, your children will seek to avoid wrongdoing.

Faith and Confidence - Believe: The latin root of "confidence" is the word for "faith". Life is good, trust the process. Even when things are unclear or unjust, proceed with courage and faith through the darkness until light reemerges. Spring's eternal. "Do you like me or not?--for example. Whether you do or not depends, in countless instances, on whether I meet you half-way, am willing to assume that you must like me, and show you trust and expectation. The previous faith on my part in your liking's existence is in such cases what makes your liking come...The desire for a certain kind of truth here brings about that special truth's existence; and so it is in innumerable cases of other sorts."